Sunday 23 October 2016

How to grow your makeup collection on a budget

Hello everyone!

Recently I have been looking into getting some more makeup products and brushes, however as a student that doesn't have a great income, it can be so hard to build a makeup collection as it has literally taken me forever to save up for a bottle of foundation. I will admit, my makeup collection is very small, however i only buy products that I genuinely will use and want to try, so I don't have a great range of colours or products at the moment.

One thing I like to do to try and grow my makeup collection is to have a money pot. Yes, this may seem incredibly simple however it is one of the best ways to save up. I put loose change in the pot and then add it all up once there is a decent amount in there. One way I like to do it is every time I work out or get an essay done, I put a pound coin into the pot. This way I am rewarding myself by putting money towards a makeup product (and as a bonus, I've either burnt calories or done an essay that probably would've otherwise been done on the morning train journey)

If you are looking to try some more makeup products and grow your collection, make sure you do your research. Don't just go into the drugstore and pick up any random product, make sure you have checked what other people have said about the product and know that you will actually use it. Once I bought an eyeshadow palette because it was cheap...the colours were dreadful and they were never worn. Just think, that money could've been out towards something that I would actually use regularly and would re-purchase again once it had ran out. So before you go into the store, check online to see what the reviews are and check the prices, also you can go into the store and they will almost definitely have a tester for the product, so try it out a little. Check if you like the foundation, or if the lipstick colour suits you, and how easy that eyeshadow is to apply and what the pigmentation is. If you try out the product a little before you buy it, it won't be like going on a 'blind date' and not knowing what to expect from it.

One way that I like to find out about more products is to ask you guys on Twitter. Everyone will have different makeup preferences and different makeup likes/dislikes, so asking on social media means that you will get the whole spectrum of products and it also means that you can share opinions and to be honest doing this kind of thing can bring together people and form trust when reviewing products.

If you really want to grow your makeup collection (as in if you have a serious passion for makeup and want to go into the industry in some way) you will definitely need to plan it out. Whether you want to just store your makeup in a few bags, use a makeup storage case, or have a desk set up with some drawers, you will need somewhere to put all of your makeup. One thing is saving up for the makeup, the other is having a place to store it all. If you don't have a place to store your makeup then there will be no point in having a large amount of makeup...nobody wants their new 120 colour eyeshadow palette on the floor waiting to be broken.

If you are looking for some ways in which to store your makeup, follow me on Pinterest and weheartit! My links are in the sidebar if you'd like to, I'm going to be making a collection of images on both with different ways to store your makeup and how other people have been storing theirs, so if you have any photos on there let me know and I will add it to the collection!

And my last point is remember: everybody started off with their bright purple eye crayon and a stick of concealer, you will never be able to go from that to a makeup room over night. It takes planning and you will need to save up. No matter what social class you are coming from, the majority of the time you can't just go into a store and buy every concealer in every shade. Start small, grow your makeup collection one or two pieces at a time. Buy things you genuinely like but are in your budget. As you grow your makeup collection larger then you can start to splurge on the higher end products, even celebrities will use drugstore products! Everyone has to start somewhere, just make sure you like the product and it is within your budget!

Happy Sunday!
Milly x